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Positive Solutions for a Stationary Prey-Predator Model with Density-Dependent Diffusion and Hunting Cooperation
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KeyWord:Prey-predator model, density-dependent diffusion, hunting cooperation, positive solutions
Author NameAffiliation
Zhuoru Han School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xi'an, 710071, China 
Shanbing Li School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xidian University, Xi'an, 710071, China 
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      This paper concerns a stationary prey-predator model with density-dependent diffusion and hunting cooperation under homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Based on the spectral analysis, the asymptotic stability of trivial and semi-trivial solutions is obtained. Moreover, the sufficient conditions for the existence of positive solutions are established by using degree theory in cones. Our analytical results suggest that density-dependent diffusion and hunting cooperation obviously influence on the positive solutions.