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The Upper Semicontinuity of Random Attractors for Non-Autonomous Stochastic Plate Equations with Multiplicative Noise and Nonlinear Damping
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KeyWord:Upper semicontinuity, attractors, plate equation, unbounded domains, multiplicative white noise
Author NameAffiliation
Chan Yue School of Mathematics and Statistics, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, Qinghai 810007, China 
Xiaobin Yao School of Mathematics and Statistics, Qinghai Minzu University, Xining, Qinghai 810007, China 
Hits: 110
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      Based on the existence of pullback attractors for the non-autonomous stochastic plate equations with multiplicative noise and nonlinear damping defined in the entire space $\mathbb{R}^n$ by Xiaobin Yao in \cite{Yao4}, in the paper, we further investigate the upper semicontinuity of pullback attractors for the problem.