Solitary Waves for the GeneralizedNonautonomous Dual-power NonlinearSchrödinger Equations with Variable Coeffcients |
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KeyWord:Semi-quasi-homogeneous quadratic system singular point global phase portraits |
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Abstract: |
In this paper, we study the solitary waves for the generalized
nonautonomous dual-power nonlinear Schrödinger equations (DPNLS) with
variable coefficients, which could be used to describe the saturation of the
nonlinear refractive index and the solitons in photovoltaic-photorefractive ma-
terials such as LiNbO3, as well as many nonlinear optics problems. We gen-
eralize an explicit similarity transformation, which maps generalized nonau-
tonomous DPNLS equations into ordinary autonomous DPNLS. Moreover,
solitary waves of two concrete equations with space-quadratic potential and
optical super-lattice potential are investigated. |